Mycterothrips egonoki Masumoto & Okajima, 2006
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本種は雌雄異形で、オスの触角第6節は長く発達し、メスのそれとは大きく異なる。山地のカバノキ科に見られるM. consociatusによく似る。本種はこれまで北海道、本州、南西諸島から記録がある。本州では平地の主にエゴノキの葉に見られるが、その他ヤブニッケイやタブからも得られている。オスは非常に少なく、動きが素早い。一方、M. consociatusは7~8月に多数のオスが見られる。
This species indicates sexial dimorphisum: male antennal segment VI is elongate and much longer than that of female. It is very similar to M. consociatus, which occurs on the leaves of Betulaceae at mountainous areas. M. egonoki has been recorded from Hokkaido, Honshu and Nansei Islands so far. It is mainly collected from not only the leaves of Styrax japonica but also Cinnamomum japonicum and Machilus thunbergii at lowland of Honshu. Male is fewer than female and runs very fast, whereas male of M. consociatus occurs many individuals around July to August.
Female head and thorax
Male head and thorax